Antique Murphy Bed

Antique Murphy Bed – Vintage Space-Saving Elegance

The Murphy bed, also known as a wall bed, has been a popular choice for space-saving furniture for over a century. This article explores the history and evolution of the Murphy bed, from its origins to the stunning models available today.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Murphy bed, also known as a wall bed, is a space-saving furniture option.
  • The history of the Murphy bed dates back over a century.
  • Antique Murphy beds offer a touch of vintage elegance to any room.
  • Proper maintenance is important to ensure the longevity of antique Murphy beds.
  • Antique Murphy beds can be found at antique furniture stores and online marketplaces.

The Origins of the Murphy Bed

The Murphy bed, often known as a wall bed, has an intriguing history dating back over a century. While credit is typically given to inventor William Lawrence Murphy for creating a fold-out bed in San Francisco around 1900, the concept of foldaway beds predates his invention. In fact, notable figures such as Thomas Jefferson had their own versions of fold-out beds at their esteemed residences, including Monticello. Beyond that, African-American inventors, namely Leonard C. Bailey and Sarah E. Goode, also made significant contributions to the development of folding bed designs.

Despite the fame attributed to William Lawrence Murphy, it is important to recognize the diverse influences and ideas that shaped the evolution of Murphy beds. From historical figures to unsung inventors, each contribution played a part in refining the design and functionality of these space-saving marvels.

How the Murphy Bed Got Its Name

Contrary to popular belief, William Lawrence Murphy did not originally call his wall bed a Murphy bed. He patented his invention as “The Disappearing Bed” and founded the Murphy Bed Company. Over time, Murphy’s design became the most popular, leading to the use of the term “Murphy bed” to describe foldaway beds in general.

As the demand for space-saving furniture grew, the name “Murphy bed” became synonymous with the functionality and convenience offered by these innovative beds. Today, when people refer to an Antique Murphy Bed or Vintage Murphy Bed, they are likely referring to the foldaway beds inspired by William Lawrence Murphy’s design.

With their seamless blend of practicality and elegance, Antique Murphy Beds have stood the test of time. These vintage pieces not only serve as functional sleeping solutions but also add a touch of charm and sophistication to any space.

Popularity of Murphy Beds

Murphy beds gained popularity thanks to their space-saving functionality. In the 1920s, they became a status symbol, and newspaper advertisements for apartments often highlighted the presence of a Murphy bed.

“With a Murphy bed, you can have the luxury of a bedroom without sacrificing precious living space,”

Popularity waned during the Great Depression and post-World War II as larger homes became more affordable. However, a resurgence occurred in the 1970s as people began living in smaller spaces due to urbanization and increasing property prices. Today, Murphy beds continue to be sought-after for their ability to maximize living areas and provide flexible sleeping arrangements.

Murphy Beds in the 1920s

  • In the 1920s, Murphy beds were considered a symbol of wealth and modernity.
  • Newspaper advertisements touted the convenience and elegance of apartments equipped with Murphy beds.
  • They were often marketed as a solution for entertaining guests in small spaces.

Post-World War II Decline

  • After World War II, the popularity of Murphy beds declined as larger homes with dedicated bedrooms became more affordable for middle-class families.
  • Space was no longer a major concern, and people preferred traditional bed setups.

Resurgence in the 1970s

  • In the 1970s, a shift towards urban living and rising property prices led to renewed interest in space-saving furniture.
  • Murphy beds offered a practical solution for maximizing living space in small apartments and studio units.
  • They became a popular choice among young professionals, students, and urban dwellers.

Today, Murphy beds continue to be a versatile and sought-after option, especially in urban areas where space is a premium. Whether used in a studio apartment, guest room, or home office, they provide a convenient and stylish solution for maximizing living areas.

Murphy Beds in Pop Culture

Murphy beds have become more than just space-saving furniture; they’ve also left their mark on popular culture. Over the years, these ingenious beds have made appearances in numerous movies, television shows, and songs, capturing the imagination of audiences worldwide. From humorous mishaps to dramatic plot twists, Murphy beds have become a staple of entertainment, adding a touch of intrigue and surprise to the narrative.

One notable example is Charlie Chaplin’s silent film “One A.M.” In this classic comedy, Chaplin’s character finds himself grappling with a mischievous Murphy bed that seems determined to thwart his every move. The physical comedy and slapstick humor surrounding the bed’s unpredictable actions have become iconic, showcasing Murphy beds’ ability to incite laughter and create memorable scenes.

In more recent times, television shows like “Two Broke Girls” have also embraced the charm of Murphy beds. These versatile pieces of furniture have been used as props to enhance comedic moments and drive plotlines. Whether it’s an unexpected visitor getting caught in the bed’s folding mechanism or a character struggling to fold it back into the wall, Murphy beds bring entertainment and amusement to the screen.

“Murphy beds have become not just a functional space-saving solution, but also a symbol of comedic mishaps and surprise.”

But it’s not just in visual media where Murphy beds have made their mark. Even in music, they have found a place. In the song “Murphy Bed” by indie pop artist Yumi Zouma, the lyrics explore themes of intimacy, longing, and the desire to escape. The mention of the Murphy bed adds an evocative element, symbolizing a hidden space where secrets are shared and intimacy is found.

Murphy Beds in Movies, TV Shows, and Songs

Here are some notable examples of Murphy beds in pop culture:

  • Charlie Chaplin’s “One A.M.”
  • “Two Broke Girls”
  • Yumi Zouma’s song “Murphy Bed”

These examples demonstrate the versatility and widespread recognition of Murphy beds in various forms of entertainment.

From their early comedic appearances to their continued use as plot devices, Murphy beds have become synonymous with surprise, laughter, and unexpected twists. They have proven their appeal to both creators and audiences, making them an enduring piece of furniture in pop culture’s imagination.

Advantages of Antique Murphy Beds

Antique Murphy beds offer numerous benefits, making them an excellent choice for those looking to maximize space in their homes while adding a touch of vintage elegance. These space-saving wonders provide dual-functionality, effortlessly transforming from a cozy sleeping area at night to a spacious living or work area during the day.

The benefits of antique Murphy beds include:

  • Space-saving design: Antique Murphy beds are renowned for their ability to optimize limited space. By folding up into the wall or a specially designed cabinet, they free up valuable floor area, creating more room for other furniture, activities, or storage.
  • Enhanced aesthetics: Featuring intricate woodwork and charming vintage designs, antique Murphy beds add a unique touch of sophistication and elegance to any room. Their nostalgic appeal creates a warm and inviting atmosphere, making a striking statement piece in both traditional and contemporary settings.
  • Flexibility: Antique Murphy beds offer the versatility to transform any room into a multifunctional space. Whether it’s turning a home office into a cozy guest room or a living room into a private sleeping area, these beds adapt effortlessly to accommodate various needs.
  • Preservation of living space: With an antique Murphy bed, you can enjoy the luxury of having a comfortable sleeping area while preserving valuable living space. Perfect for smaller homes, apartments, or studio lofts, these beds optimize every square inch, allowing you to make the most of your living environment.

Antique Murphy beds combine functionality with timeless beauty, making them an ideal choice for those seeking space-saving furniture that exudes vintage charm. Their ability to seamlessly adapt to different room configurations and create dual-function spaces has made them a beloved choice for homeowners with an appreciation for both practicality and aesthetics.

Explore the benefits of antique Murphy beds through this visually stunning gallery:

Advantages of Antique Murphy Beds
Space-saving design Space-saving Design
Enhanced aesthetics
Preservation of living space Preservation of Living Space

Tips for Maintaining Antique Murphy Beds

Proper maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity of antique Murphy beds. By taking care of your vintage piece, you can preserve its charm and functionality for years to come. Here are some maintenance tips to keep your antique Murphy bed in pristine condition:

1. Regular Inspection

Take the time to inspect your antique Murphy bed periodically. Look out for any loose or damaged parts, such as hinges, screws, or support bars. Tightening loose screws and replacing damaged components will help prevent further wear and tear.

2. Lubricate the Joints

To ensure smooth operation, lubricate the joints of your antique Murphy bed. Use a suitable lubricant like WD-40 or silicone spray to keep the hinges and pivots working effortlessly. Regular lubrication will prevent squeaking and ensure easy folding and unfolding of the bed.

3. Follow Care Instructions

Every antique Murphy bed may have specific care instructions provided by the manufacturer or seller. It’s important to follow these guidelines to avoid any unintentional damage. If you’re unsure about the care instructions, consult with experts or do thorough research to maintain the bed properly.

4. Clean with Care

When it comes to cleaning your antique Murphy bed, use gentle methods and avoid harsh chemicals. Dust the surface regularly using a soft cloth or a feather duster. For deeper cleaning, use a mild soap solution and a soft sponge. Avoid excessive moisture, as it can damage the wood or upholstery.

5. Avoid Overloading

Antique Murphy beds are designed to support a specific weight capacity. Avoid overloading the bed with heavy objects or excessive weight, as it can strain the frame or compromise its functionality. Be mindful of the weight limits and follow them diligently to maintain the structural integrity of the bed.

By following these maintenance tips, you can enjoy your antique Murphy bed for generations to come. Taking care of its intricate design and ensuring proper functionality will not only preserve its value but also allow you to appreciate the vintage elegance it brings to your space.

Maintenance Tips for Antique Murphy Beds
Regular Inspection Inspect the bed frame for loose or damaged parts
Lubricate the Joints Use appropriate lubricants to keep hinges and pivots working smoothly
Follow Care Instructions Adhere to specific care instructions provided by the manufacturer or seller
Clean with Care Gently dust the surface and use mild soap solutions for deeper cleaning
Avoid Overloading Do not exceed the weight capacity limits of the bed

Where to Find Antique Murphy Beds

Antique Murphy beds can be found at various sources, catering to both online and offline shoppers. If you appreciate the charm and elegance of vintage furniture, exploring antique furniture stores is an excellent starting point. These stores often carry unique and well-preserved pieces that can be the perfect addition to your home.

When venturing into the world of antique furniture stores, take the time to research reputable sellers in your area. Look for establishments with positive reviews, knowledgeable staff, and a wide selection of antique pieces. This ensures that you are purchasing from a trustworthy source that can provide valuable information and guidance throughout your search for the ideal antique Murphy bed.

For those who prefer the convenience of online shopping, there are numerous online marketplaces that specialize in antique furniture. Platforms like Etsy, eBay, and Chairish offer extensive collections of vintage Murphy beds, allowing you to browse and compare options from the comfort of your own home.

If you are seeking a more unique and potentially rare find, auctions can be an exciting avenue to explore. Many auction houses hold specialized antique furniture auctions, where you may find exquisite antique Murphy beds up for bidding. Keep an eye out for auction announcements in your area or consider online auctions for a broader selection.

Regardless of the source you choose, it is crucial to inspect the condition of the bed thoroughly before making a purchase. Antique Murphy beds may require some restoration or repair, so take this into account when assessing their value and cost. Consider consulting with antique experts who can provide insights into the authenticity and estimated value of the bed, ensuring you make an informed decision.

Comparison of Antique Furniture Sources

Source Advantages Disadvantages
Antique Furniture Stores Wide selection of well-preserved pieces
Knowledgeable staff and expertise
Opportunity to see and touch the furniture in person
Potential limited local availability
Higher prices compared to online marketplaces or auctions
Online Marketplaces
(Etsy, eBay, Chairish)
Convenient shopping from home
Wide range of options and sellers
Potential for competitive pricing
Difficulties assessing true condition and quality
Reliance on photographs and seller descriptions
Auctions Potential for unique or rare finds
Opportunity for competitive pricing
Exciting bidding experience
Less control over the final price
Additional costs (buyer’s premium, shipping)
May require patience to find the desired piece

By exploring these various sources, you can increase your chances of finding the perfect antique Murphy bed to complement your home’s decor. Whether you choose to visit antique furniture stores, browse online marketplaces, or participate in auctions, each option offers its own unique advantages and considerations. Remember to take the time to research sellers, inspect the condition of the bed, and seek expert advice to ensure a rewarding antique bed buying experience.


Antique Murphy beds epitomize the perfect combination of functionality and vintage elegance. Their timeless design continues to make them a popular choice for homeowners looking to maximize space in their homes. Whether placed in a spare bedroom, guest room, or used as a flexible work-from-home solution, antique Murphy beds offer both practicality and aesthetic appeal.

The charm of antique Murphy beds lies in their ability to seamlessly blend into any room while providing a comfortable sleeping area. These beds, with their intricate woodwork and vintage craftsmanship, add a touch of sophistication to any space. Their foldaway mechanism allows users to easily transform a bedroom into a home office during the day or create additional living space when needed.

Not only do antique Murphy beds lend a sense of nostalgia to a room, but they also offer a practical solution for those with limited living space. By utilizing vertical space effectively, these beds enable homeowners to optimize their square footage without compromising on comfort or style. With their enduring appeal and remarkable functionality, antique Murphy beds are a testament to the ingenuity and design excellence of the past.


What is an antique Murphy bed?

An antique Murphy bed refers to a vintage folding bed, also known as a wall bed or hideaway bed, that was popular in the past. It is characterized by its ability to fold up into a wall or cabinet to save space during the day.

Who invented the Murphy bed?

The Murphy bed is often attributed to William Lawrence Murphy, who created a fold-out bed in the early 1900s. However, the concept of foldaway beds existed before his invention, with contributions from inventors such as Leonard C. Bailey and Sarah E. Goode.

How did the Murphy bed get its name?

Contrary to popular belief, William Lawrence Murphy did not originally call his wall bed a Murphy bed. He patented his invention as “The Disappearing Bed.” However, over time, Murphy’s design became the most popular, leading to the use of the term “Murphy bed” to describe foldaway beds in general.

Why did Murphy beds gain popularity?

Murphy beds gained popularity due to their space-saving functionality. In the 1920s, they became a status symbol, and advertisements for apartments often highlighted the presence of a Murphy bed. Their popularity waned during the Great Depression and post-World War II but resurfaced in the 1970s as people began living in smaller spaces.

Are there any notable appearances of Murphy beds in pop culture?

Yes, Murphy beds have made appearances in numerous movies, television shows, and songs throughout the years. For example, Charlie Chaplin’s comedic struggles with a Murphy bed in “One A.M.” and the TV show “Two Broke Girls” featured Murphy beds, often used as props to create memorable scenes.

What are the advantages of antique Murphy beds?

Antique Murphy beds offer several advantages, including their ability to create dual-function spaces. They provide a cozy sleeping area while freeing up floor space during the day. Additionally, they have intricate woodwork and designs that add a touch of vintage elegance to any room.

How can I properly maintain an antique Murphy bed?

Proper maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity of antique Murphy beds. Regularly inspect the bed frame, check for loose or damaged parts, and lubricate the joints to prevent wear and tear. It is also important to follow any specific care instructions provided by the manufacturer or seller.

Where can I find antique Murphy beds?

Antique Murphy beds can be found at various sources, including antique furniture stores, online marketplaces, and auctions. It is important to research reputable sellers and thoroughly inspect the condition of the bed before making a purchase. Consulting with antique experts can also help ensure the authenticity and value of the bed.

What is the summary of antique Murphy beds?

Antique Murphy beds offer a combination of functionality and vintage elegance. With their timeless design, they continue to be a popular choice for those seeking to maximize space in their homes. Whether used in a spare bedroom, guest room, or as a flexible work-from-home solution, antique Murphy beds provide both practicality and aesthetic appeal.

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